Benefits of Cayenne Pepper

cayenne pepper“Cayenne is possibly the single most wonderful, beneficial plant to grow and have on hand (the granulated form) in case of emergencies.” (Ingri Cassel, September Idaho Observer, 1999) That is quite a claim for this spicy pepper. Besides its ability to flavor foods, what is the medicinal value of cayenne?

First, cayenne pepper is so effective as an astringent that some recommend the powder form be kept in first aid kits. “Miracle” stories abound in which hemorrhaging is stopped when the wound is sprinkled with cayenne powder. Others report that it aids clotting even when drunk as a tea.

Cayenne has also been used as a natural painkiller, a treatment for stomach cramps, and temporary relief of joint pain. Gargling cayenne tea can sooth a sore throat, but it is recommended for those who don’t like its spiciness, to follow it with a little sugar. Cayenne acts as a catalyst, carrying all other herbs and supplements quickly to the place in the body where they are needed and increasing their effectiveness. It is also high in vitamins A, C, B complex, calcium, and potassium and useful in the treatment of colds, sinus problems, and respiratory ailments. Other uses found across the web include treating high blood pressure, chest pain, migraines, athlete’s foot, and sinus problems. It is an effective blood thinner (so don’t take cayenne before surgery). Some even claim it puts them a good mood.

Cayenne also enhances blood flow. Therefore, it has been used to treat gangrene, frostbite, and other circulatory problems. Cayenne tea (one teaspoon of powder in a cup of water) has been effective in conjunction with CPR for heart attack victims. In fact, someone with chronic circulatory problems would do well to drink a cup of cayenne tea three times a day. A little cayenne in winter boots will even keep feet warm by stimulating circulation.

Some prefer to take cayenne pepper in capsule form but, if so, be sure it is not irradiated (exposed to radiation to destroy harmful bacteria). If cayenne is too spicy when taken alone, try one of these concoctions: apple cider vinegar, molasses, and cayenne mixed to taste; fresh lemon, cayenne, and purified water (with a little maple syrup to make it palatable.) Best results, however, come from taking cayenne as a tea or spice (powder). Its effectiveness begins in the mouth, stimulating circulation, digestion, and acting as a catalyst for other beneficial substances. With such claims to its fame, someone suffering from one or more of the maladies listed above would do well to give cayenne pepper a try.

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